SMTP Settings

Setting up SMTP credentials

How to Set Up SMTP in PHPTRAVELS In this guide, we will walk you through the process of setting up SMTP in your PHPTRAVELS product. Configuring your SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) ensures that all email communications, including booking confirmations, newsletters, and notifications, are successfully delivered to your customers. By following these steps, you’ll be able to connect your email provider, test the configuration, and ensure that everything is working smoothly.

Let’s get started! Step 1: Locate SMTP Settings Page To begin, log in to the admin panel of your PHPTRAVELS product. Navigate to the Settings section from the main menu. Under the Settings menu, find and click on Email Settings. Here, you’ll see the SMTP Settings tab where you can configure your email sending options.

Step 2: Configure SMTP Credentials and Test Once you’re on the SMTP Settings page, you can now enter your SMTP server credentials. Fill in the required fields, such as SMTP Host, SMTP Port, Username, Password, and Encryption Type (SSL/TLS). After entering your details, scroll down and add your email address in the Test Email field. Click the Send Test Email button to check if your SMTP configuration is working properly.

Step 3: Check Your Mailbox Finally, open your email inbox and check if you have received the test email. If the email is received successfully, this confirms that the SMTP setup has been correctly configured and is functioning as expected.

Thank you for reading this guide! If you need further assistance, feel free to contact our support team. We’re here to help!

Last updated